Let's Speak Korean 2(Ep.39) I was planning on getting something to eat too - 저도 뭘 좀 먹으려던 참이었어요
- Stephen: This place got everything! Comic books, game players and a DVD room - Lisa: This is the best place to spend time, right? - Stephen: But I'm hungry, though - Lisa: I was planning on getting something to eat too Korean culture for payment by the way - Stephen: 여긴 만화책에 게임기에 DVD방까지 - Lisa: 시간을 때우는 데에도 좋겠죠? - Stephen: 근데 배가 좀 고프네요 - Lisa: 마침 저도 뭘 좀 먹으려던 참이었어요 한국의 계산 문화 그런데 → 근데