2022 대구국제섬유박람회(PREVIEW IN DAEGU) 그래핀올 / Grapheneall ㈜그래핀올은 천연 흑연의 화학적 산화, 환원 공정을 통해 산화그래핀, 환원그래핀을 생산 공급하는 회사입니다 1층 두께, 불순물 함유량 1% 미만의 고품질 산화그래핀의 대량 생산으로 면 크기별 특성이 다른 산화그래핀 제품을 공급하고 있습니다 그래핀 복합 섬유는 항균, 원적외선 방사, 대전방지, 난연 특성이 있으며, 강도 및 내구성과 같은 기계적 특성이 향상됩니다 그래핀의 종류에 따라서는 방수, 방오, 방탄, 방사능 차폐, EMI 차폐 성능까지도 부여한 섬유 개발이 가능합니다 현재는 침구, 의류와 같은 생활형 섬유 제품 사업을 시작으로 대전방지 공기필터, 수질 정화 필터와 같은 산업적 제품으로 그래핀을 확대 적용해가고 있으며, 산학연 협력 사업을 통해 특수 분야 고기능성 섬유 응용 기술개발을 진행하고 있습니다 GrapheneAll Co , Ltd is a company that produces and supplies graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide through chemical oxidation and reduction processes of natural graphite It has succeeded in mass production and standardization of high quality graphene oxide with 99% single layer and less than 1% impurity It can also vary layer and size GrapheneAll Co , Ltd , which has high-efficiency graphite oxidation technology, purification technology, reduction and application technology, and has succeeded in quality optimization and economic mass-production, is conducting various graphene application business along with industrial graphene raw material supply Graphene composite fibers have antibacterial, far-infrared radiation, antistatic, flame retardant properties, and improve mechanical properties such as strength and durability Depending on the type of graphene, it is possible to develop fibers that have waterproof, antifouling, radiation shielding, and EMI shielding performance Starting with the life-appliance textile business such as bedding and clothing, we are expanding our bussiness to industrial products such as antistatic air filters, water purification filters and bulletproof, and developing high-functional fiber applications such as radioactivity shield, EMI shield fabric through industry-academic cooperation projects 그래핀올 제품 보러가기(Clik to see Grapheneall's items) ☞