[KPOP IN PUBLIC | ONE TAKE] ATEEZ (에이티즈) - "HALAZIA" Dance Cover by ANEMONE Dance Team

[KPOP IN PUBLIC | ONE TAKE] ATEEZ (에이티즈) - "HALAZIA" Dance Cover by ANEMONE Dance Team

#ATEEZ #HALAZIA #KPOPINPUBLIC [PL] Hej, tu ANEMONE Dance Team! Tym razem powracamy do was z coverem do piosenki 'HALAZIA' od jednego z naszych ulubionych zespołów - ATEEZ. Nie da się ukryć, że zanim przystąpiliśmy do działania, czekało nas wiele spraw organizacyjnych do zrealizowania, a co z tym idzie, każdy z nas musiał włożyć w ten cover ogromne zaangażowanie, abyśmy mogli być z niego w pełni zadowoleni. Nie było łatwo, jednak dotarliśmy do celu, a sam w sobie etap tworzenia projektu był dla nas przyjemnym czasem. Choreografia chłopaków pozwoliła nam się nie tylko dobrze bawić, jednakże pochłonęła nas całkowicie i nie da się ukryć, że wszyscy jesteśmy usatysfakcjonowani z finalnego efektu naszej pracy. Mamy nadzieję, że i wam spodoba się nasz cover. Zapraszamy do oglądania! [ENG] Hey, ANEMONE Dance Team here! This time we're coming back to you with a cover of the song 'HALAZIA' by one of our favorite bands - ATEEZ. There's no denying that before we got down to business, we had a lot of organizational issues to deal with, and consequently, each of us had to put a huge amount of commitment into this cover so that we could be fully satisfied with it. It wasn't easy, but we got there, and the creation stage itself was an enjoyable time for us. The choreography of the boys allowed us not only to have fun, however, it absorbed us completely, and there is no denying that we are all satisfied with the final result of our work. We hope you'll like it! [KR] 안녕하세요, 아네모네 댄스팀입니다! 이번에는 저희가 가장 좋아하는 밴드 중 하나인 에이티즈의 '할라지아'를 커버한 곡으로 여러분께 돌아왔습니다. 시작하기 전에 해결해야 할 조직적인 문제가 많았고, 그 결과 모두가 만족할 수 있도록 이 커버에 엄청난 노력을 기울여야 했다는 사실을 부인할 수 없습니다. 쉽지 않은 작업이었지만 해냈고, 창작 단계 자체가 저희에게는 즐거운 시간이었습니다. 멤버들의 안무 덕분에 재미있게 작업할 수 있었을 뿐만 아니라 저희도 완전히 몰입할 수 있었고, 최종 결과물에 모두 만족하고 있다는 점은 부인할 수 없습니다. Dancers: Nicole as San: https://instagram.com/eternalhell__?igshid... Olga as Seonghwa: https://instagram.com/yu3x1ng?igshid=YmMyM... Amelka as Jongho: https://instagram.com/no_celest1al?igshid=... Maja as Wooyoung: https://instagram.com/lalaliska_m?igshid=Y... Julka as Hongjoong: https://instagram.com/_juliette_ac?igshid=... Dominika as Yunho: https://instagram.com/bie.niuk_?igshid=YmM... Emilka as Mingi: https://instagram.com/mila.x.a?igshid=YmMy... [Akari Dance team] Oliwia as Yeosang: https://instagram.com/evh_all_atw?igshid=Y... [Akari Dance Team] Special thanks to: https://instagram.com/enemy_warsaw?igshid=... Filmed by: https://instagram.com/lukasz_klat?igshid=Y... Video Montage by: [https://instagram.com/eternalhell__?i...] We don't own any of the music or choreography. The choreogaphy and music as well belongs to:    / @ateezofficial