Charisma Prayer Meeting | December 17, 2020
Visit us at: http://www.charismachristiancenter.org Charisma Christian Center Lynnwood Campus
Charisma Prayer Meeting Live | March 17, 2022
Friday Charismatic Prayer | 17th December 2021 | St.Francis Xavier Church, Giriz |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal | End of the year Prayer meeting | Osu Deanery | 2020 | Worship Session
Charisma Prayer Meeting | December 17, 2020
Malayalam Charismatic Prayer Meeting (Thursday) - At 07:00 PM
Friday Charismatic Prayer | 11th December 2020 | St. Francis Xavier Church, Giriz |
Community | RC Charismatic Talk#17
Charismatic Prayer Group - Mon
Charismatic Prayer Meeting (Adoration with Praise & Worship) October 2020 @ 8.15 pm- Live-streamed
Emmaus Prayer meeting : From darkness into light
Praise and Worship {Hindi} 17/10/2020 (By. Aston D'Silva and Sis Margret D'silva
Charisma Prayer Meeting | September 17, 2020
Prayer Meeting (Sept. 17. 2020)
Called to pick up our crosses and follow Jesus with Rev. Fr. Baffour Awuah
தமிழ் கத்தோலிக்க செப, ஆராதனை வழிபாடு. Tamil Catholic Charismatic Prayer. Mon, 17th Aug, at 7.30.pm.
Charisma Sunday Service | August 16, 2020
Prophet Daniel Agyarko Afari | The Prayer of Faith |Day 2| 10th Mar, 2020 | March APAM Week
Charisma Prayer Meeting LIVE | July 16, 2020
Friday Charismatic Prayer | 17th July 2020 | St. Francis Xavier Church,Giriz |