PS4 PRO版のTHE LAST OF US PART 2の難易度サバイバル、ノーダメージ&100%収集品攻略動画です、Part 10。 前回同様、ストーリー上での必ず犬に噛まれてしまう仕様(強制ダメージ1:02:16)のイベント以外は、一切ダメージ受けてないので、ノーダメージと記載しています。 *You can't avoid the damage from the dog at the Aquarium, other than that, I got no hit from the enemies so I still will count it as no damage. 過激なムービーシーンがYouTubeのガイドライン違反になる可能性があるため、そういうシーンは編集でカットします、申し訳ございません。 PART 10 ・CHATPER 20: Road to the Aquarium ・CHATPER 21: The Flooded City 40:35 ・CHATPER 22: Infiltration 59:40 ・NEW GAME ・SURVIVOR DIFFICULTY ・NO DAMAGE(EXCEPT FROM THE STORY DOG EVENT) ・STEALTHY WAY ・100% COLLECTIBLES(127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards, 32 Coins, 14 Safes, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 12 Weapons) 収集品/COLLECTIBLES: CHAPTER 20 - Road to the Aquarium(全10個) 1) Trading Card: Esquire(40/48)1:01 2) Workbench(10/25)8:00 3) Trading Card: Tormentra(41/48)8:14 4) Artifact: Garage Note(73/127)15:33 5) Trading Card: Tanager(42/48)17:48 6) Artifact: Bookstore Note(74/127)18:23 7) Journal Entry(15/20) 18:41 8) Artifact: Textile Note(75/127)22:07 9) Workbench(11/25)23:52 10) Trading Card: Tatuaje(43/48)26:16 CHAPTER 21 - The Flooded City(全12個) 1) Trading Card: Seff-L’ho’phad(44/48)41:08 2) Journal Entry(16/20) 41:50 3) Artifact: Stash Note(76/127)42:08 4) Safe (Password = 70-12-64) 43:02 5) Workbench(12/25)45:13 *トロフィー「現場主義」/Trophy "In the Field" 6) Artifact: Shambler Note(77/127)46:00 7) Artifact: Sniper’s Note(78/127)48:52 8) Artifact: Encampment Note(79/127)51:03 9) Artifact: Arcade Flyer(80/127)52:32 10) Workbench(13/25)53:29 11) Trading Card: Khazakh Bright(45/48)55:38 12) Artifact: Arcade Note(81/127)56:36 CHAPTER 22 - Infiltration(全1個) 1) Journal Entry(17/20) 1:03:24 サムネイル製作:K.K LAST OF US PART II - SURVIVOR DIFFICULT NO DAMAGE 100% COLLECTIBLES WALKTHROUGH PLAYLIST: ⇒ • The Last of Us Part II - SURVIVOR DIF... LAST OF US REMASTERED - GROUNDED DIFFICULT NO DAMAGE NO UPGRADE 100% COLLECTIBLES WALKTHROUGH PLAYLIST: ⇒ • LAST OF US REMASTERED - GROUNDED DIFF... ====================== ゲームタイトル: ラストオブアス パーツ2/THE LAST OF US PART 2(PS4版) 発売日: 2020年6月19日 価格: PS4版:6,900円+税 ジャンル : サバイバルアクション ESRB : Cero Z 開発: NAUGHTY DOG 発売: (株)ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント ======================= #LastOfUsPart2 #SURVIVOR #AllCollectibles ======================= "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." =======================