After completing Resident Evil 7 on 'normal' I figured it time we dive in to the mansion again but on Madhouse Difficulty. Resident Evil 7: Biohazrd Madhouse Difficulty Live Stream/Gameplay/Walkthrough. SEND A TIP to Gemma HERE: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/thegebs24 Please smack that SUBSCRIBE button to help my channel grow Please like, comment & Smash your Haduoken in to the Sub button if you enjoyed the video. *Scroll down for playlists and social media and FULL list of consoles owned. My channel is devoted to video games! Covering retro and current generation gaming. My favourite consoles are the Super Nintendo and Playstation 4. I'm devoted playing video games as well as making cool content for you guys. I hope you guys enjoy this Retro Gaming Show! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➜ CONSIDER SUPPORTING ME ON PATREON (watch me create Youtube thumbnails, VLOGS, early previews and exclusive news and MORE behind the scenes) : https://www.patreon.com/Thegebs24?ty=h BE SOCIAL WITH ME: ➜FACEBOOK: / thegebs24-73. . ➜SNAPCHAT: @TheGebs24 ➜MY COLLECTION: http://www.juicygamereviews.com/game-... ➜MY GAMING BLOG SITE: http://www.juicygamereviews.com/ ➜TWITCH: / thegebs24 ➜INSTAGRAM: / thegebs24 ➜TWITTER / juicygamereview ➜WHERE I BUY MY GAMES: http://www.juicygamereviews.com/cool-... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL PLAYLISTS: GAMES YOU MUST PLAY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜GAMES WE NEVER KNEW:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜GEM GOES OUT & ABOUT: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜GEMS TOP TENS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜2 GIRLS, 1 GAMING TOPIC: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜PICK UPS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜HOT TOPICS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜REVIEWS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ➜GAMING NEWS ON A SUNDAY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... __________________________________________________________________ CONSOLES OWNED: PS4 PS3 WII U MASTER SYSTEM MK1 MASTERSYSTEM MK2 MEGA DRIVE MEGA DRIVE 2 NES SNES NTSC SNES SUPER FAMICOM SEGA DREAMCAST BOXED SEGA SATURN X2 N64 PAL NTSC N64 SILVER PS2 BLACK PS2 SLIM PS2 PS1 ORIGINAL MODEL SLIM PS1 BLACK GAME CUBE SILVER GAME CUBE XBOX ORIGINAL XBOX 360 RED WII BLACK WII WHITE WII AMIGA 500+ ZX SPECTRUM NINTENDO DSI 25TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTORS EDITION NES 3DS SPECIAL EDITION LUIGI 3DS SPECIAL EDITION X2 GAME BOY ORIGINAL PSP ORIGINAL PS VITA PSP STREET NES SPECIAL EDITION GAME BOY SP NES SP - GREY GAME BOY MICRO - GREEN GAME BOY MICRO - PINK X2 GAME BOY POCKET -PINK AND PURPLE GAME BOY POCKET TRANSPARENT GAME GEAR XBOX CRYSTAL X3 ORIGINAL GAME BOYS YELLOW GAME BOY COLOUR Thanks Gemma