Compost in Place TRAVEL System-NO TURN-Free Garden Plant Food-Catch Worms-Grow BIG Vegetable Plants
Easy DIY HOW TO Compost in Place with no rodents or roaches, Recycle, Create your own Worm farm trap no digging NO WORK they will come to you. This system is great, you can cater to the plants that need some extra boost for growth or to produce more fruit, free supply of plant food when YOU need it or I should say, when your plants need it. This has been the best garden system yet, for any garden, whether in container gardening or right in the ground. Please share this video, to get all your friends, families and neighbors to start growing SOME FOOD and to recycle plastic! This compost system will bring microbes and earthworms, and it will continue to feed the worms and good critters and feed your plants, the perfect too easy system for ANYONE!