What if Sun was made of Ice-Cream? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Sun was made of Ice-Cream? Firstly, Sun may not be able to breathe anymore. What??? Let me explain, if Sun was made of Ice-Cream, planets may jump on the Sun to eat the Ice-Cream, Sun may find it difficult to breathe. Secondly, Sun may send away his star-friends packing. But, why would the Sun do that? Simple, if Sun was made of Ice-Cream, the heat of other stars may cause Sun's Ice-Cream to melt, Sun may send his friends packing. Lastly, entire Solar System may be left in complete darkness. Are you Serious? Yup, if Sun was made of Ice-Cream, Sun may get extremely busy in licking itself, it may stop giving light altogether. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Sun was made of Ice-Cream? 1:07 - What if Sun replaced the Moon? 2:26 - What if Sun got Bored?