What if Earth bought an AC? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

What if Earth bought an AC? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

Earth will now become the star attraction of the Solar System. Sun will surely not be happy about this. Other planets may get jealous, they might start throwing asteroids and meteorites at the AC. People living on Earth will have to deal with extremely cold winds. Earth may get super excited and start buying a lot more things. Winds from AC may prove to be too strong, birds may keep on swinging from one place to another. Earth may catch a cold soon, we may have to bear the impact of its sneezing. Even other planets may start buying new things. Earth will have to start paying a huge electricity bill. Maintaining the AC will prove to be a costly affair for planet Earth. Timecodes: 1:31 - What if Jupiter Stole Earth's Water and Air? 2:49 - What if Everyone becomes a Scientist? 4:09 - What if our Fingernails were made of Gold? Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com