Meet The 9 Year Old Fortnite Pro That DESTROYED Clix!

Meet The 9 Year Old Fortnite Pro That DESTROYED Clix!

Download Dragon City for free via this link or QR code, become a Dragon Master and claim your anniversary Starter Pack of 15,000 Food + 30,000 Gold + the EPIC Flame Virago Dragon + 10 Epic Joker Orbs: 🌟 Socials 🌟 📺 Twitch:   / sypherpk   🐥 Twitter:   / sypherpk   📷 Instagram:   / sypherpk   💌 Discord: 📚 Facebook:   / sypherpk   🐥Metal Umbrella Twitter:   / metalumbrellaco   📷 Metal Umbrella IG:   / metalumbrellaco   🎵 Metal Umbrella Tiktok:   / metalumbrella   🎥 Directed, Thumbnail by: JackZenn:   / jackmelaschenko   🎥 Edit by Bryson, Jmac and Jack Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible! Hope you enjoy! #fortnite #sypherpk #chapter4