20 min Pranayama for Daily Practice | 5 Must-do everyday pranayama
Enjoy this 20 minute guided pranayama session to help relieve stress and anxiety. Relax and release tension from the body and mind as you focus on the breath and promote mindfulness. Practice this every morning empty stomach for atleast 20 days and see the benefits. "Breath is life" Prana means the vitality of life; its simple meaning is energy. Pranayama means the regulation or the control of prana (vital energy) It is a process for gaining control over Prána. Purpose and importance of Pranayama in Hatha Yoga refers to the life-force or the vital energy, which is responsible for all the functions, physical and mental, in the human being. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:38 KAPALBHATI 03:58 NADI SHODHAN 09:19 YOGIC BREATH 13:13 BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA 15:51 BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA 1) 00:38 KAPALBHATI 60strokes in 1set x2 Benefits- aids in weight loss, Clears the nadis (subtle energy channels), Improves digestive tract functioning, Energizes the nervous system, calms the mind. Contraindications- Pregnant, menstruation times, high or low blood pressure, heart disease, hernia, gastric ulcer, epilepsy, vertigo, migraine headaches, significant nosebleeds, history of stroke, and for anyone who has undergone recent abdominal surgery. 2) 03:58 NADI SHODHAN 5 min practice Benefits- relax the mind, keep the mind calm, happy and peaceful, releasing accumulated tension and fatigue, balance the nostrils Contraindications- Pregnant Women, Blood Pressure 3) 09:19 YOGIC BREATH 3-4 min practice Benefits- relieves stress and anxiety refreshes the mind activates the parasympathetic nervous system, improves digestion and metabolic function Contraindications- none. 4) 13:13 BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA 30 strokes in 1 set x2 Benefits-Favorable effect on the respiratory and digestive system. Drains excess phlegm from the lungs, Strengthens and tones the abdominal region, Calms the mind, Energizes the entire body and mind. Contraindications- pregnant or menstruating women 5) 15:51 BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA 10-15 times Benefits- It is the best cure for stress, lowers one’s blood pressure, It soothes the nerves, helps dissipate anger, induce deep sleep. Contraindications- extremely high blood pressure, epilepsy, chest pain, or an active ear infection, pregnant or menstruating women. Let me know how it leaves your feeling. Thanks for practicing with me 🕉️ ------------------------------------ Please subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don't miss out on our weekly yoga classes! Need more help getting those splits? Download my FREE 30 days splits guide... ✨SPLITS GUIDE: https://mailchi.mp/69e767fbc32b/split... ✨Book a private lesson or online class: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... ✨7 days of splits - • 7 Day of Splits ✨Join me in my Yoga time - Online free classes https://mailchi.mp/691bf2429673/onlin... ---------------- Don't forget to share your splits progression after following this guide on INSTAGRAM by tagging me @khushibajwayoga Stay consistent! and you will achieve your goals. Let's prove this to ourselves first and then to others. ------------------ Let's stay connected. I'd love to hear from you! -Instagram: / khushibajwayoga -Pinterest: / khushibajwayoga -E-mail: [email protected] Facebook / khushi-bajwa-106996211891440 ------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information and practices on this website are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any illness and and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. As with any exercise program, you take the risk of personal injury when you practice yoga. By participating in these practices, you acknowledge this risk and release khushibajwayoga from any liability. You are responsible for your own body's well being. Please consult with your physician prior to beginning exercise.