Sun. Dec. 19th, 2021 - 11:00 A.M. Mass - 4th Sunday of Advent

Sun. Dec. 19th, 2021 - 11:00 A.M. Mass - 4th Sunday of Advent

Thank you for visiting our YouTube Page! ............................................................................................................................................... Masses are live-streamed Monday-Saturday at 9AM & Sunday Mass @ 11AM +Ways to Donate: -Drop off your weekly envelopes at the Rectory (5371 Amboy Road) -Visit our Website and Click "Donate Online" -As always, we thank you for your generosity during these difficult times! +Stay up-to-date with the Parish by signing up for Flocknote, an email and text-based program. -To join, text OLSS to 84567. +The weekly bulletin is online! Visit and click "Bulletin". -The bulletin contains parish information as well as the readings and music.