Indian Economy topic-wise MCQ|Money,Banking & Financial Institutions-Part-2|UPSC Prelims//EPFO/CAPF
Welcome all to Cognizance IAS. Indian Economy is one of the most important and crucial subject in both the UPSC Prelims and Mains. On an average more than 10-15 questions asked every year in Prelims. This highlights the significance of the subject in Prelims exam and the preparation gets sharper with practice of objective type questions. We are very delighted to announce that your preparation is now going to become easy with our new initiative “PRELIMS MADE EASY- INDIAN ECONOMY TOPIC-WISE OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS OF Vivek Singh sir”. Here you will find all the expected questions for prelims, topicwise questions selection, elaborate analysis, comment section for any doubts clarifications,etc. Now learn with fun. All the best. We appreciate a feedback from you. For More Information:- Contact Channel :- https://t.me/Cognizanceias Contact Cognizance IAS Group Doubt Discussion :- https://t.me/cognizanceiasgroop E-mail id:- [email protected]