macbook organization + customization tips/tricks! *MUST DO!!* (part 5) MacOS Sonoma + widgets!

macbook organization + customization tips/tricks! *MUST DO!!* (part 5) MacOS Sonoma + widgets!

in this video we customize my laptop with the new MacOS Sonoma macbook update! I show you how to change your mouse color, a few new folder tricks, choose your new moving screensaver, and how to add widgets to your macbook screen! i hope you can enjoy these new ways to customize your macbook! #macbookair #macbooktips #macbookorganization #macbookcustomization T I M E S T A M P S: MacOS Sonoma is here! 0:00-1:03 Update your MacBook: 1:04-1:18 1: Change Pointer Color 1:19-3:05 2: Moving Screensavers 3:06-4:43 3: Folder Label Customizations 4:44-5:53 4: MacBook Homescreen Widgets !!! 5:54-8:52 5: Hide Menu Bar 8:53-9:45 6: Customize my MacBook with Me 9:46-16:54 Automatic vs. Monocrome Widgets: 16:55-18:40 L I N K S: ⋒my past macbook customizations: PART 1:    • macbook organization + customization ...   PART 2:    • PT 2: macbook organization + customiz...   PART 3:    • *macOS big sur* macbook organization ...   PART 4:   • macbook organization + customization ...   ⋒macbook i have: ⋒free wallpapers on my website: ⋒free folder icons on my website: ⋒gradient screensaver download: ⋒my social media⋒ SUBSCRIBE!    / juliakcrist   instagram:   / juliakcrist   tiktok:   / juliakcrist   pinterest:   / juliakcrist   my website, etsy shop, and amazon storefront!! ⋒my website: ⋒etsy shop! ⋒my merch shop! ⋒my amazon storefront! ⋒my like to know it! ⋒you can send me mail! Julia Crist PO Box 1853 Muncie, IN 47308 FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES, please contact: [email protected] current subscriber count: 426,800 disclaimer: most links in this description are affiliate, which means that if you buy from my link, i will get a small % of the profit at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!! it's a win win! thanks for supporting me :) again, thank you so so SO much for watching. you're supporting my dreams! i'd love to see you again, so subscribe + like this video!!! if you see this... ily.... and comment "💻" below ;) DECORATING OUR NEW HOUSE FOR FALL! cozy edition ⋒music⋒ Music by Blue Sirens - Coffeezilla - Music by sunkis - 4ever - Music by Rauly - This Is Love - macbook organization + customization tips/tricks! MUST DO!! (part 5) MacOS Sonoma + widgets!