7/14/2024 Replay of 8th Sunday after Pentecost Later Worship Stream - Fishers of Men Lutheran Church
Replay of the live stream of the 8th Sunday after Pentecost later worship 14 July 2024. Senior Pastor Chuck Ridley gives a message today called, “Summer of Psalms: Lament and Hope”. The link for the sermon-only portion (with improved audio) is here: • 7/14/2024 - Pastor Ridley gives a mes... Check in for worship at the following link or use our app (see links below): https://forms.gle/Q6Nb3h5pHYk75VQL7 You can make your gifts to Fishers of Men in support of our ministries by following this link: https://pushpay.com/g/fishersofmen We are continuing our normal in-person worship times of 8:30am and 11:00am and Bible study at 9:45 in the chapel. All the services will be streamed and you can also watch them later, if you prefer or can't make it during these times. Get our Android app at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Or, search the Apple App Store for "Fishers of Men Lutheran Church" where it is a free download.