Unboxing Avatar the Last Airbender Fire Nation Aang NFT Funko Pop!!
So I kinda spent a pretty penny to add a Funko Grail into the collection... the NFT Fire Nation Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender!! Thank you so much for watching! If you enjoy our content, please be sure to subscribe to help the channel grow. After all it is free, takes a few seconds of your time and we promise to deliver some fun, geeky content along the way! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for exclusives, vaulted or grail Funkos? Then look no further than Cult Collectables and enjoy a whopping 20% off your very first order, with our one time per customer promo code of GEEKLOUNGE: https://cultcollectables.com/ Want to support the channel and buy US Stickered Funko Pops at the best possible prices?! Then look no further at DJ Collectibles. Checkout using our affiliate link: https://www.djcollectibles.co.uk/geek... Want £10 off a future order on PopFigures.com? Access the site via our referral link below, make a purchase and you will get a £10 gift card to use on future purchases. Full disclosure, we will also get £10 off a future purchase so you will also be directly supporting the channel (and Dr. Dave's Funko Pop addiction!!): http://i.refs.cc/9Rvm95uN?smile_ref=e... Follow us on Social Media: Instagram - @geeklounge_TV Twitter - @geeklounge_TV Much more coming soon!