getting UP at 5AM FOR A WEEK | morning routine

getting UP at 5AM FOR A WEEK | morning routine

I thought to myself: If I wake up at 5am every day I will be able to do everything and be in my best productive era!✨ I tried it and sadly didn‘t quite get to do EVERYTHING. I will just let you see for yourself in this video🌷 Instagram: @that_lilaa For business inquiries:💌 [email protected] Music: Free Music for Videos 👉 Music by aren park - don't forget your coffee! (demo) - FAQ: how old are you? 18🌷 What do you film with? iPhone 15 pro max📱 What do you edit your videos with: InShot🎬 Tags: #lifestyle #smallyoutuber #morningroutine #vlog #girl #bestversionofyou #study #goals #dream #motivation #inspiration #5am Morning routine, waking up, 5am, teenager, girl, goals, studying, food, best version of you, productive, motivation, inspiration, small youtuber, lifestyle, self care, vlog, cooking, journaling, creative, piano, instagram, growth, discipline, cold, sick, sleep