Hurt - Johnny Cash/NIN - Chord Melody Ukulele Tutorial with Tabs, Play-along
New Ukulele Tutorials every Wednesday and Saturday - Subscribe and learn Today we are going to learn how to play "Hurt" the song written by Trent Reznor of NineInchNails but made amazingly popular by Johnny Cash when he covered it towards the end of his life. The rhythm has a melodic quality in it as well, not just the melody, so it is learning to play two melodies at the same time. This can be tricky with just four strings but when done so properly the results are absolutely stunning. As always we will walk you through the whole song. It has an intro, verse, chorus, a little turnaround that takes you back to the verse and after the second time through the verse and chorus it takes you to the coda. A very powerful song about addiction, friendship and loss, this one can literally make my eyes water when I play it. If you, are anyone you know, struggles from addiction you aren't alone, if you want help you can get it, first off you need to admit that you can't do it alone and surrender yourself to your addiction and then ask for help, and get it, your life is better clean. Tabs - / tenthumbspro Facebook - / tenthumbsproductions 1-1 Lessons - [email protected]. Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tenthumbspr... Hurt - Johnny Cash/NIN - Chord Melody Ukulele Tutorial with Tabs, Play-along #TenThumbsChordMelody #FingerstyleUkulele #JustSayNo