How to Draw a Property Boundary Map in Google Earth Pro (NSW)

How to Draw a Property Boundary Map in Google Earth Pro (NSW)

In this video tutorial Rupert shows you how you can create your own property boundary layer in Google Earth Pro using the latest Cadastral Data from NSW Gov. Access the data here from this link; NEW SOUTH WALES 1. Head to NSW Spatial Portal 2. Click on Browse Data → Property & Land Parcels 3. Click on NSW Land Parcel Property Theme (NSW Spatial Portal) 4. Click on Export Data 5. Highlight area you wish to extract property data. 6. Enter email address 7. Download and unzip data, put kml file in working folder. IMPORT TO GOOGLE EARTH & DRAW BOUNDARY 1. Open Google Earth Pro. (download here) 2. Open relevant kml file. 3. Drag from “temp places” into the Fences folder of “my places” 4. With that layer selected, click Add Polygon 5. Trace around your property boundary 6. Stylin’ - I like to draw my boundaries in a obvious colour - usually pink or purpose. To do this… right click layer → get info → Line colour → pick colour → pick width as 2 → OK. (tweak to your own artistic preference) 7. Select Folder Click File → Save → Save my place.