![매생이 굴떡국 (Seaweed oyster rice cake soup) 만들기](https://krtube.net/image/SbhLp7xHuVs.webp)
매생이 굴떡국 (Seaweed oyster rice cake soup) 만들기
매생이 굴떡국 (Seaweed oyster rice cake soup) 매생이를 넣어 시원한 맛의 굴떡국입니다. 굴과 매생이가 들어가 바다를 품은 듯한 시원한 맛이 매력적이에요. 재료 떡국떡 400g, 매생이 200g, 굴 300g, 물 1 L, 다시팩, 다시마, 다진마늘 1Tbs, 참치액젓 2Tbs, 맛간장 1/2Tbs, 꽃소금 1/2Tbs, 대파, 육수 3&1/2컵, 천일염 1Tbs 레시피 ▶ https://kimsangkung.tistory.com/401 [English Recipe] It's oyster rice cake soup with seaweed. Oysters and seaweed are included, so the cool taste of the sea is attractive. Ingredient 400g of GaraeTteok, 200g of seaweed fulvescens, 300g of Oyster, 1L of water, Stock pack, Kelp, 1Tbs of minced garlic, 2Tbs of tuna fish sauce, Half Tbs of soy sauce, Half Tbs of Kosher salt, Green onion, 3&1/2 cups of Stock, 1Tbs of sea salt Recipe ▶ https://kimsangkung.tistory.com/401