অরেঞ্জ কেক। Orenge Cakeকমলালেবুর কেক রেসিপি।#orangecake#recipe #shortsfeed

অরেঞ্জ কেক। Orenge Cakeকমলালেবুর কেক রেসিপি।#orangecake#recipe #shortsfeed

অরেঞ্জ কেক। Orenge Cakeকমলালেবুর কেক রেসিপি।#orangecake#recipe #shortsfeed This Orange Cake comes together quickly and easily! Moist and soft, this cake will melt in your mouth.Try to make. কমলা লেবুর কেক বা অরেঞ্জ কেক পারফেক্ট ভাবে বানিয়ে নিন . আশ্চর্যজনক কমলা কেক রেসিপি যা আপনার মুখে গলে যায়  কমলা লেবুর কেক ডিম ছাড়া কমলালেবুর স্পঞ্জি কেক বানিয়ে নাও এত সহজ যে কেউ বানাতে পারবে│ Orange Sponge Cake Recipe kamala lebur cake recipe in Bengali) The best Orange cake recipe! easy and amazing!  Whole Orange Cake - rind and all Mom's Easy Orange Cake - Pretty. Simple. Sweet. Orange Cake | Easy Orange Cake Recipe Amazing Orange Cake Recipe That Melts In Your Mouth Ingredients- Orange: 300g water: 500g Sugar or Rock Suger 40g White Jelly Powder 100 g  #orangecake #bengalifood #cooking #shorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #ShanagesFoodDiscoverChannel