Day 17: 25 min STANDING BOOTY & LEGS Workout | At Home | The Modern Fit Girl | Standing Butt Workout
Hey guys, welcome to Day 17: 25 min STANDING BOOTY & LEGS Workout ❤ Join me for this intense legs and booty workout that is all standing! We are toning, shaping and growing the lower body today by keeping the legs and glutes under tension. Your booty is going to be on fire! 25 minutes is all you need. Do this workout at home, no equipment needed. Lets get that legs and booty burning! Give this workout a try and let me know how you felt! The structure for this workout: 10 exercises (45s ON, 15s OFF) x2 SETS 5 minute Finisher Remember this is your workout, we are all different and it’s important for you to have fun while working out. We want to make this a lifestyle and the only way to succeed is to enjoy what you are doing. If you need to stop and take a longer break, just pause the video. This is a no judgement zone ok! If you enjoy this workout, I would love for you to join the family. Please subscribe to my channel to see all my new videos posted! Enjoy your workout! Till next time…see ya!❤