4th Sunday-5/26/2024 | 10AM | Memorial Day Recognition Worship Service | Pastor Maitland | COGOP
Welcome to the Church of God of Prophecy! Thank You For Tuning In! Senior Pastor: Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. Associate Pastor: Reverend Errol Brown Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel - "JAVE COGOP TV", so we can promote the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! / @churchofgodofprophecyhempstead SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!! ****We Do Not Own The Copy Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast**** Standard YouTube License Provided by YouTube! #javevirtualexperience #10AM #sundayworshipexperience #moreviews #virtualworshipexperience #virtualworshipservice #virtual #hempstead #sundayworship #javecogoptv #jave #cogop #tv #churchofgodofprophecy #churchofgod #virtual #church #live #worship 4TH Sunday - May 26, 2024 | 10AM | JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE | Church of God of Prophecy - Hempstead CHAPTERS | TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Welcome To The Church of God of Prophecy - Hempstead! 1:00 Welcome To The 4TH SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATION EXPERIENCE! 1:35 UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS🚨 2:00 Welcome To The JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE! 4:04 OUR MISSION: ⦾WORSHIP GOD ⦾EVANGELIZE THE LOST ⦾EQUIP BELIEVERS FOR CHRISTS 14:20 PRAISE & WORSHIP HYMN:"There's A New Name Written Down In Glory" Song By 20:00 Worship Song: "In The Name of Jesus" Song By David Billingsley 24:00 Worship Song: "Jehovah, You Are The Most High" Song By Kofi Thompson JAVE COGOP WORSHIP TEAM 31:10 MODERATOR: PASTOR ERROL BROWN (Associate Pastor) 29:30 MORNING'S SCRIPTURE VERSE: GALATIANS 5:1-15 (KING JAMES VERSION) 30:10 INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Led By Bro. Washington, Sis. Faye MacDonald, Minister Yvonne Stewart 36:40 INTERCESSORY PRAYER:"Service Men & Woman, Families Who Have Served This Country" Led By Bro. Washington 39:20 INTERCESSORY PRAYER: "Those Who Are Mourning Loss of A Loved" Led By Sis. Faye MacDonald 42:48 INTERCESSORY PRAYER: "Church Family" Led By Minister Yvonne Stewart 48:00 MODERATOR: PASTOR ERROL BROWN (Associate Pastor) 50:00 WELCOME TO ALL OUR GUEST! To The JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE👥 55:00 PUBLIC RELATIONS: UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS🚨 58:00 TITHES & OFFERING GIVE TODAY: Ways To Give: If you are interested in giving, or providing an online donation to the Ministry. Please go to our Church website: https://cogophempstead.org/giving/ or you can Text the Word "Give" to 844-990-1535. 1:20:00 PSALM OF PRAISE: 1:10:00 SPEAKER: Pastor Spencer Maitland 1:20:00 SCRIPTURE: Psalms 15:1-3 (King James Version) 1:25:00 SPEAKER: Pastor Spencer Maitland 1:25:00 OPENING SERMON PRAYER: 1:30:00 SERMON TOPIC: "WHAT DOES GODLY INTEGRITY LOOK LIKE" 1:50:00 CLOSING SERMON 1:55:00 AN INVITATION TO RECEIVE CHRIST? (⦾ EQUIP BELIEVERS FOR CHRISTS RETURN) 2:00:00 ALTAR CALL: 2:12:35 CLOSING PRAYER 2:10:00 (Outro) Thanks For Tuning In To Our Sunday Worship Experience! ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Artist: Todd Dulaney Album: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Licensed to YouTube by; Entertainment One U.S., LP (on behalf of eOne Music); BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor, and 5 Music Rights Societies ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Follow Us! JAVE COGOP Social Media: Facebook: / church-of-go...cogophempstead.org Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621