| CRYPTO | Comparison of 3 Exchanges Binance Bitget Bybit And BNB BGB MNT Coin Updates
Hello Everyone... This video discusses the comparison of the three exchanges from some of their features. Then discuss BNB, BGB, and MNT coin updates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pluang Referral Code: MFAH707967 If you want to register for the Ajaib app, use the Ajaib referral code/code: fahr023 And invest in Ajaib before 30 days to get bonus shares. • [SAHAM] CARA BELI SAHAM DI APLIKASI A... If you want to register for Bibit app, use referral code: moneyrookie And make a Mutual Fund or SBN purchase of 1 million in 1x transaction to get 25k cashback. • [REKSADANA] CARA BELI REKSADANA DI AP... If you want to register for the Binance app, use the referral code: G84XY7M9 You will get 10% bonus trading commission on Binance. • [CRYPTO] CARA BELI CRYPTO DI BINANCE Please support this channel by clicking the Like button and also Subscribe if you find this video useful. Thank you.