The Walking Dead: Season 1 Gameplay - #21 - Sorry Sewers
Part 21 of The Walking Dead Season 1, Episode 4. Lee was basically chased into the sewers, which aren't any better than the streets above. We also find Chuck, at least what's left of him. We also find some survivros, who are no better off than us. Part 20 • The Walking Dead: Season 1 Gameplay -... This video is apart of The Walking Dead Episode 4 of Season 1, in which the zombie outbreak has begun. Things are looking rough in this playthrough, and finding help is scarce. Graz plays as Lee in this walkthrough, who by luck came across a little girl named Clementine, who was surviving by herself while her parents were out of town. They must now trek on, trying to live & find any survivors who may help them along the way. The Walking Dead Playthrough Playlist • The Walking Dead Gameplay This is the Walking Dead official Game produced by Telltale games, on the PC, inspired by the television show and comic. The game takes it's own path, and you play as Lee, a man who was about to be tried for murder, now trying to fight for his life & the safety of a little girl named Clementine. If you enjoy Graz in his playthrough of the walking dead, please be sure to subscribe to follow along, and be sure to check out some of his other Let's Play series as well. The Walking Dead Game Season 1 on Steam Network http://store.steampowered.com/app/207... The Walking Dead is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series. Play as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returning to life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their own safety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer him redemption in a world gone to hell. Music & SoundFX are used from AudioMicro --- Links --- Check out my YouTube Channel! / elementalfact0r Please like my Facebook page if you enjoy the videos: / elementalfact0r Tag Along on Twitter: / elementalfact0r Follow Me on Google+ if you desire: http://plus.google.com/u/0/1035436924...