40+ Days Semen Retention | You will walk on Water | Falling in Love with Faith | Beware of Females
“I appreciate you guys for watching my videos, I just want to be more clear in some of the things I was saying in this video. I know everyone who’s watching my videos may not be a follower of Christ, The Lord, or even a believer of God of any sort. I specifically wanted to address the part where I was speaking on using women and having sex with women. Obviously if you’re celibate or staying abstinent ( for religious reasons or not) this does not concern you…what I was saying is that for those who may not be religious and will probably still have sex is just to be very cautious of the spirits you decide to intertwine with especially when it comes to sex. Hopefully you’re not out here just giving yourself to anybody. Therefore if you happen to be an individual who is having sex just make sure you’ve come to a decision where you know and trust set person who you’re deciding to share your spirit with. Next as far as using women I meant it in a way to where as men on this JOURNEY. If you find yourself in genuine relationships with women and it’s a two way street…or course that’s something that you could invite into your Life. But you will also probably meet women or people who may not be so genuine and I meant use them in a way to where you’re allowing yourself to see how these type of people operate.” Thank ya’ll From The Chosen One