Facing Peru’s Extreme Food!! Exotic Meat of South America!!

Facing Peru’s Extreme Food!! Exotic Meat of South America!!

Facing Peru’s Extreme Food!! Exotic Meat of South America!! Review by FoodiesGuide.Net Channel 1.YOLITA INES ADDRESS: 2nd floor, San Camilo Market INTERVIEWEE: Marilu Mendoza 🇵🇪 AMERICANOS: Portions of Rocoto Relleno (stuffed rocoto pepper with potato pie), Pastel de Fideos (spaghetti cake), Arroz con pollo (green rice and chicken) and Chancho Al horno (Baked pork) 💸PRICE: 30 PEN / $8.00 USD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. GUINEA PIG HATCHERY - CUYES CAMILITA ADDRESS: Av Paisajista 185 INTERVIEWEE: Elardo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3. LOUS’ HOUSE INTERVIEWEE: Marilu Mendoza 🇵🇪PEPIAN DE CUY: First, boil potatoes and cut the guinea pig in half. In a pan, add chochoca (corn flour) and cover with a lid. Add salt and cumin, then pan-fry them. Cut them in half again. In another pan, heat up well and fry the two purple onions. Cut onions into small squares, then add a tablespoon of minced garlic, pepper, cumin, and a pinch of salt. Cook for three minutes. Then, add half a cup of panca pepper and mix everything and let it cook over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Add the fifty grams of ground peanuts. Next, add the pieces of guinea pig. Remove from heat. Immediately add water to the dressing and stir. Finally, add the six yellow potatoes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. LA LUCILA PICANTERIA ADDRESS: Calle Miguel Grau 147, Sachaca, Arequipa INTERVIEWEE: Ruth 🇵🇪 CUY CHACTADO (DEEP FRIED GUINEA PIG): First, cook the inside of the guinea pig in a pan without oil for 20 minutes. Place a stone or metal weights on the top of the guinea pig. Then, place the guinea pig in another pan with hot oil for 10 minutes. Fry until crispy and golden brown. 💸PRICE: 55 PEN / $14.50 USD #BEFRS #Besteverfoodreviewshow #BestEverPeruTour If you see any factual food errors in my videos, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments. I'm a huge fan of trying different, interesting foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly, MY point of view. It is not meant to offend any person or culture. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: Credit: Best Ever Food Review Show Channel Policy: This video is made for educational purpose only 🎬 CREDITS: HOST » Sonny Side DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY » Nguyễn Tân Khải CAMERA OPERATOR » Tran Quang Dao EPISODE EDITOR » Dương Quốc Huy COLOR & MASTER » Quí Nguyễn PRODUCER » Liz Peterson PRODUCTION ASSISTANT » Y Lieu LOCAL PRODUCER » Jonatan Relayze Chiang | Email: [email protected] Local Production Coordinator » Morella Moret Local Camera Assistant » Carlo Rodríguez