November 6, 2022 – San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish Online Mass - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
We Believe in the God of Life As we continue praying for all our departed loved ones in this month of November, today’s theme reminds us of a basic truth of our faith which is also related to our prayer for the dead, namely: the resurrection of all human beings at the end of time. That will be the time when all of us will receive from the Eternal Judge, even in our bodies, the reward or punishment deserved by the way we have lived. Such a truth gives meaning to our efforts to lead an honest life. It also reminds us that our bodies are sacred, and have to be used for the glory of God and the service of our neighbor. Our faith tells us that, even after our bodies have suffered the disintegration of death, God’s creative power will call us back to life in the fullness of our being, for He is “the God of the Living” and not of the dead. This is what we proclaim in every Eucharistic celebration and why we look with hope to the day of our final resurrection. Visit our facebook page at: / sanlorenzoruizparish For FREE Activity Sheets and Learning Tools for Catholic Kids, please visit: https://www.katolago.com/ Thank you for supporting San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish. For your love offerings and donations, please visit: https://sanlorenzoruizparish.com/donate/