Nifty and Bank Nifty pre market Analysis for Wednesday | 12 March 25 | NIFTY #nifty #premarket

Nifty and Bank Nifty pre market Analysis for Wednesday | 12 March 25 | NIFTY #nifty #premarket

Pre Market analysis for Nifty and Bank Nifty. In this video we will explain previous day market growth with possible entry and exit points, buy and sell signal, Long and short calls along with options and futures market prediction and analysis. We will also cover global news, economic calendar and world economy. We will also explore open interest data, option chain, OI change, order flow, foot print chart and Cash flow. In the end we will analysis US and europe market aslo with analysis of important stocks like Tesla, Meta, Google, Microsoft, NVIDIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500, DOW industrial average and More... #trading #tamilniftyanalysis #niftyprediction #niftytomorrow #niftyanalysis #niftybreakout #niftypredictionfortomorrow #niftyanalysisintamil #tamilniftyanalysys #nifty50 #niftyoptionchain #niftyoption #nifty #niftystrategy #niftytoday #niftyoptiontrading #nifty50 #sharemarket #sharemarkettoday #sharemarkettips #share #sharemarketnews #sharemarketlive #sharemarketindia #sharemarketforbeginners #sharemarketintamil #sharemarketnewstoday #stocksplitlatestnews #stockmarket #stockmarketforbeginners #stocks #stockmarketnews #stocktrading #stockmarketinvesting #stockmarkettips #stockmarketindia #optionstrading #optionchainanalysis #optionchain Subscribe our channel and click the bell icon. i am not sebi registered analysis, all posts for education purpose, no claim rights reserved, please take advice from your financial advisor before initiating any trade.