오르간 새찬송가 반주- 52장. 거룩하신 나의 하나님
God Most Holy 1 God most ho-ly, God the might-y one, Sav-ior, my Lord, Dear-er than all Your pre-cious life You have giv-en free-ly to me I will give you all my life, Lord I hold noth-ing back from you, Lord 2 God most gra-cious, God the might-y one, Sav-ior, my Lord, You fill my heart, emp-ty and poor, With the pre-cious trea-sures of heav'n I will give you ev'-ry-thing, Lord I will fol-low Your will, O Lord 3 God of mer-cy, God the might-y one, Sav-ior, my Lord, What l give you is far too small, Yet you give me bless-ings un-told I will give you all my life, Lord Ev-'ry thing I of-fer you, Lord 4 God of pow-er, God the might-y one, Sav-ior, my Lord, You gave to me your pre-cious call I will serve you with all my heart With my whole mind soul and strength, Lord I will work for Your name, O Lord A-men This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic #immanuelpiano #오르간찬송가반주52장 #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 #EveryDailyComposer #찬송52장 #예배반주 #가정예배 #거룩하신나의하나님 #정필도