Zion Anoka, 11 AM Blended Service, Dec 11

Zion Anoka, 11 AM Blended Service, Dec 11

Click here for the worship bulletin: https://www.zionanoka.org/worship/zio... Thank you for worshiping with us and for supporting Zion Lutheran Church through your offering. Your offering may be: mailed to Zion: 1601 4th Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 give online at www.zionanoka.org text "Zion Lutheran Church" to give: 763-710-2209 -Call the church office to set up Electronic Transfer of Funds 763-421-4656 Thank you for your faithful stewardship! If you have any prayer requests, please send us an email at prayer@zionanoka.org Copyright Licenses: Sundays & Seasons OneLicense: A-718081 CCLI: 1105874; CSPL159361