청송얼음골 빙벽 드론영상 Cheongsong Ice Valley ice wall Drone Video
경북 청송군 주왕산면에 위치한 청송얼음골 빙벽입니다 이곳은 원래 인공폭포인데 겨울에는 얼어서 빙벽으로 바뀐곳입니다 잘보시면 윗쪽에서 지속적으로 물을 뿌려서 겨울내내 빙벽이 얼도록 하였습니다 얼음골빙벽 서쪽으로 조금만 가면 있는 청송아이스클라이밍월드컵경기장입니다 여기서 2023년1월14,15일에 청송아이스클라이밍 월드컵대회및아시아선수권대회가 열렸습니다 Cheongsong Ice Valley is an ice wall located in Juwangsan-myeon, Cheongsong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do This was originally an artificial waterfall, but in the winter it froze and turned into an ice wall If you look closely, water is continuously sprayed from above so that the ice wall freezes throughout the winter Cheongsong Ice Climbing World Cup Stadium is located a short distance west of the ice valley wall The Cheongsong Ice Climbing World Cup and Asian Championships were held here on January 14 and 15, 2023 본 영상의 무단사용을 금하며 영상의 사용을 원하실때에는 ksj04039@gmail com으로 연락주세요 Unauthorized use of this video is prohibited If you wish to use the video, please contact ksj04039@gmail com ============================================= * Music: 1 a new beginning 2 rumble * Drone : Dji Mavic3 Classic ============================================= #드론 #매빅3클래식 #청송 #얼음골 #청송얼음골 #아이스클라이밍 #청송아이스클라이밍대회장 #청송아이스클라이밍월드컵대회 #청송아이스클라이밍아시아선수권대회 #Drone #Mavic 3 Classic #Cheongsong #Ice Valley #Cheongsong Ice Valley #Ice Climbing #Cheongsong Ice Climbing Competition #Cheongsong Ice Climbing World Cup #Cheongsong Ice Climbing Asia Championships