Family Christmas Program: Let Heaven and Nature Sing 12/18/2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent and Family Christmas Program: Let Heaven and Nature Sing 12/18/2022. Dayton & Annette Cook read the scripture: Luke 2: 1-7. Rev. Blair Kirkpatrick & Rev. Sheila Apland-Ottenbacher read the Scripture: Luke 2: 8-14. Jay & Kristin Tobin Read the scripture: Luke 2: 15-20. The rest of the service is filled with other readings, musical performances, the lighting of the Fourth Candle of Advent, and a fun performance from our G2G kids. We hop you enjoy the service. Church starts at 10 AM with Prelude and Announcements starting at 9:50 AM. All are welcome! Website: plymouthaberdeen.com Facebook: / plymouthaberdeen Instagram: / plymouthuccaberdeen #PlymouthROCKS #plymouthaberdeen #PlymouthUCCAberdeen