L-3 | Unit-3 | Coagulants l Anti-Coagulants | 5th Sem | Medicinal chemistry | Smart Pharmacy Wallah

L-3 | Unit-3 | Coagulants l Anti-Coagulants | 5th Sem | Medicinal chemistry | Smart Pharmacy Wallah

L-3 | Unit-3 | Coagulants l Anti-Coagulants | 5th Sem | Medicinal chemistry | Smart Pharmacy Wallah Hello Friends..🥰❤️ Welcome to Smart pharmacy wallah In this video i explained about... Coagulants Anticoagulants Structure and uses of Menadione Structure and uses of Acetomenadione Synthesis of warfarin Structure and uses of Warfarin Structure and uses of Anisindione Structure and uses of Clopidogrel B-Pharm 5th Semester Syllabus B-Pharm 5th Semester Medicinal Chemistry Unit-3 Medicinal Chemistry 5th Semester Unit-3 Medicinal Chemistry 5th Semester _________________________________________________ PDF K LIYE :- Telegram Channel Join kre Telegram Channel :- Smart pharmacy wallah https://t.me/smartpharmacywallah00786 Telegram Channel :- (1st Year) https://t.me/smartpharmacywallah1styear Telegram Channel :- (2nd Year) https://t.me/smartpharmacywallah2ndyear Watspp Group :- (All Semester) https://chat.whatsapp.com/KXE5xx3RpH1... Watspp Group :- (1st Year) https://chat.whatsapp.com/G6ibOFjeGpU... Watspp Group :- (2nd Year) https://chat.whatsapp.com/ICCFogTLQgV... Watspp Group :- (3rd Year) https://chat.whatsapp.com/JsqFjhSyTg0... YouTube channel :- Smart pharmacy wallah Instagram I'd :- Drxsamarkhan_00786 ________________________________________________ Team Members :- 1) Drx Samar Khan [Owner] 2) Drx Shashank Singh Rajput [Member] 3) Drx Prashant Yadav [Member] ________________________________________________ if you have any queries regarding this topics please drop comments i would love to solve your problem. Thank you for watching my videos..🙏😊 #bpharma #bpharmacy #5thsem #5thsemester #5thsemexam #medicinalchemistry #coagulants #coagulation #anticoagulants #antiarrhythmicagents #disopyramidephosphate #hypertension #diuretics #bachelorofpharmacy #anginapectoris #antianginalagents #diuretic #simplepharmacystudy #pharmacycourse #bpharm_online_lectures #pharmanotes #pharmacyquestionanswer #pharmacognosy #pharmacognosy_newsyllabus #pharmacognosyvideos #jurisprudence #pharmacognosynotes #industrialpharmacy #hospitaltraining #pharmacologymadeeasy #pharmacologylectures #pharmacologypodcast #previousyearquestionpaperofpharmacy #medicinalchemistry #medicinalchemistry4thsem #bpharm_online_lectures #bpharm4thsem #importantquestions #youtube #youtuberecommended #youtuberecommendations #subcribe #subcriber #subcribers #subcribemychannel #explore #explorepage #exploremore #viral #viralvideo #viralvideos #smartpharmacywallah