विश्व गौरैया दिवस क्या है?!🌍 🗓️ Important Days for all competitive exams #days #importantday #shorts

विश्व गौरैया दिवस क्या है?!🌍 🗓️ Important Days for all competitive exams #days #importantday #shorts

विश्व गौरैया दिवस क्या है?!🌍 🗓️ Important Days for all competitive exams #days #importantday #shorts World Sparrow Day 2025 is just around the corner, celebrated annually on March 20. This special day is dedicated to raising awareness about the declining population of sparrows and the need to protect them. These birds typically inhabit urban backyards and green spaces, but their population has declined sharply over the past two decades, with WWF India reporting a drop in nearly every city. Discover the significance of Vishwa Gauraiya Diwas, a special day dedicated to the humble sparrow! In this video, we'll delve into the history and importance of this unique celebration, and explore why it's essential to conserve and protect these tiny creatures. From their role in the ecosystem to the impact of urbanization on their habitats, we'll cover it all. So, let's learn more about these fascinating birds and how we can make a difference in their lives. world sparrow day world sparrow day march 20 भारतीय पक्षी प्राकृतिक संसाधन international sparrow day world sparrow day theme गौरैया की सुरक्षा जैव विविधता पक्षियों का महत्व विश्व गौरैया, पर्यावरण शिक्षा गौरैया दिवस विश्व गौरैया दिवस world sparrow day in hindi sparrow day world sparrow day speech 20 मार्च, पक्षी संरक्षण, shorts Vishwa Gauraiya Diwas important dates for all competitive exams all competitive exams important dates and days for competitive exams important dates for competitive exams how to remember important days for competitive exams important gk questions for all exams important days important days and themes important questions for railway exams inportant questions for ssc exams important days trick विश्व एवं अंतराष्ट्रीय दिवस general knowledge questions and answers for competitive exams 20 march important days विश्व गौरैया दिवस world sparrow day current affairs current affairs 2025 20 march current affairs 2025 20 march 2025 current affairs in hindi current affairs today current affairs 2025 in hindi current affairs today for ssc, rrb group d, ntpc, cgl, upsc, bpsc, uppcs, cgl, mts, railway, bank, sscgd, uppcs, UPPSC, roaro, upsc daily Current Affairs current affairs today static gk gs questions answer static gk for all competitive exams essay on world sparrow day पक्षी संरक्षण संगठन sparrow nest sparrow feeding birds conservation house sparrow wildlife sparrow sound sparrow sparrows sound of sparrow sparrow voice sparrow video biodiversity short video sparrow bird bird watching birding bird #WorldSparrowDay #विश्वगौरैयादिवस #SparrowConservation #BirdProtection #SaveSparrows #ImportantDays #CurrentAffairs2025 #CompetitiveExams #DailyGK #StaticGK #EnvironmentAwareness #Paryavaran #Biodiversity #WildlifeConservation #BirdWatching #GKforSSC #GKforUPSC #GKforBank #GeneralKnowledge #20March #ImportantDates #ExamPreparation #DailyCurrentAffairs #ShortsVideos