The Superhuman Strength and Power of Neanderthal Man
Modern Humans are the last surviving hominins, but that does not mean we were the physically strongest humans. In fact, like gorillas archaic humans such as Neanderthals were at least twice as strong as a modern man, based on studies of their anatomy and genes. Neanderthals were dangerous predators who possessed "super-human" athletic abilities, characterized by well-developed muscles, quick reflexes, and powerful arms and legs, enabling them to rival the most skilled fighters. The image of the Neanderthal as a squat, chiseled brute is sometimes overstated but Neanderthals definitely possessed strong, muscular bodies, and wide hips and shoulders. The density of their bones, the width of their pelvis, and the thick areas of muscle attachment indicate that they were very muscular. Contrary to the notion of Neanderthals as being stooped over like a gorilla, they walked fully upright but the comparison with the gorilla may not be inaccurate when we are talking about strength and reflexes. SOURCES: https://www.livescience.com/21682-nea... https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetic... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science... CHAPTERS: 0:00 NEANDERTHALS STRENGTH AND POWER 4:00 NEANDERTHALS AS FIGHTERS 8:00 NEANDERTHAL ANATOMY VS MODERN HUMAN @JREClips @joerogan