Far Cry Primal - Nasan Horn Outpost, Freezing Caves - (PC/XONE/PS4)
#nasanhornoutpost #freezingcaves #bonfire #farcryprimal Freezing Caves This cave is located at the northern tip of Oros. A campfire sits just outside this cave. From the start, descend from the grapple point to the small platform below. After that, jump, grapple, and climb to the southeast corner. From there, take one of the multiple ways to the central rooms. You’ll find the Cave Painting on the southeast part of the central cave room here. After acquiring the Cave Painting, use your Hunter Vision to follow the footprints west to a narrow corridor. The leads to the next room, and you’ll spot the glowing Daysha Hand on the platform. Grab the Darsha Hand, then continue past it to find a waterfall. Jump into the waterfall to exit the cave from the southern end. LINKS: 🎲 MGZ Channel - / mrgamingzone 🐦Twitter :: / mrgamingzone