Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 2X12 UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS reaction

Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 2X12 UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS reaction

** This episode's full reaction is available on Patreon ** I GOT MY EXCALIBUUUUUR!!! Wouh!!! Saber, Rin and Shirou all showed amazing strength and new levels of badass as they destroy the grail (Saber), push through pain and sacrifice to save Shinji (Rin) and defeat Gilgamesh! (Shirou) Of course, they got a little bit of help from our boy Archer, but this team is just AWESOME! And now, with the mission over, all we have left is a nice little epilogue n.n (Oh and my brain completely gave up on me during the discussion, so sorry if I'm not making any sense XD) To see the next episode right away, check out our Patreon :D Patreon:   / chriskaileur   Patreon ALL SHOWS/MOVIES list:   / this-should-help-88862552   Twitter:   / kyuujinreacts   Instagram:   / kyuujinreacts   EmberFrost's Instagram:   / ember_frost_   Chriskaileur's Instagram:   / chriskaileur   #fatestaynightunlimitedbladeworks #fatestaynight #anime #reaction