Hi, Hello Song! Greeting Song for Kids | Preschool Songs | A Little SPOT
Perfect song for morning greetings! This song is perfect for both native English speakers and young learners of English as a second language. Lyrics: Hi, Hello song By Diane alber Hi, hello, how are you today? I’m good, I’m great, I’m doing okay. Hi, hello, I’m waving at you! Hi, hello, I’m waving at you! Waving at you is how I like to say hello! Hi, hello, how are you today? I’m good, I’m great, I’m doing okay. Hi, hello, here’s a high five! Hi, hello, here’s a high five! A high five is how I like to say hello. Hi, hello, how are you today? I’m good, I’m great, I’m doing okay. Hi, hello, let’s fist bump! Hi, hello, let’s fist bump! A fist bump is how I like to say hello. Hi, hello, how are you today? I’m good, I’m great, I’m doing okay. Hi, hello, let’s shake hands! Hi, hello, let’s shake hands! A handshake is how I like to say hello. Hi, hello, how do you like to say hello? A wave, high five, fist bump, handshake or just say…Hi, hello, how are you today? Lyrics by Diane Alber Song produced and sung by Sarah Hughes www.shiftypop.co.uk