Welcome to the 1 hour, 11 mintues, and 11 seconds portal that will assist you in shifting to your desired reality. The number one represents the magician; the manifestation of one’s desires. Of course you add meaning to any repeating numbers you see, but I have set the intention and assumption that one’s represent my desires manifesting at the speed of light by instantly shifting to my desired reality. Quantum jump to your desired reality, effortlessly, with this powerful shifting subliminal. The subliminal affirmations will move straight into your subconscious reprogramming your mind to be in the reality you truly desire. How to use: Use while doing anything you want -- your manifestation techniques, sleeping, cleaning, meditating, working out, etc. If you want, you can visualize your desired reality while listening. If you’re not good at visualizing you can simply say to yourself, “isn’t it wonderful I am now in my desired reality?” Your subconscious mind knows what that reality consist of…. Listen as many times as you want! The shift WILL happen! (Headphones are not required) ***For overnight use, go to the video settings and select the ‘loop’ option to loop the video while you sleep. . . Askfrmations Isn’t it wonderful that I’ve shifted to my desired reality? Isn’t it wonderful that I’m now in my desired reality? Isn’t it wonderful that I’m a master manifestor? Isn’t it wonderful that my life is perfect? Isn’t it wonderful that I have everything I desire? Isn’t it wonderful that I have successfully shifted to my desired reality? Isn’t it it wonderful that this subliminal works like magic for me? Isn’t it wonderful that shifting with this subliminal was so easy? Isn’t my life so wonderful? ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🫶🏾1x1 C O A C H I N G • S E S S I O NS🫶🏾 1x1 Coaching: https://www.beauteaandherbeads.com/ca... 🫶🏾K E E P • U P • W I T H • M E 🫶🏾 Instagram: @fr33tea Tik Tok: @itsfreetea Email: [email protected] https://linktr.ee/fr33tea 🫶🏾S H O P • W I T H • M E🫶🏾 My Amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/freetea •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••