Shaping My Future Self (Part 2) - Developing Good Habits For My Future Self | Peter A. Gawugah |…
Shaping My Future Self (Part 2) - Developing Good Habits For My Future Self | Peter A. Gawugah | Sunday 3rd Service | 01/10/2023 . Join NLPC for our live worship experience. Plug into the community, engage in live worship with NLPC, and hear a powerful word from God. . ️ Please send your TITHE & OFFERINGS to 0245916319 (ALL NETWORKS) or via MTN MoMo Merchant ID; 545442 If you need a prayer or want to share a testimony, comment below or send a message. † If you have made a decision to follow Jesus or want to learn more about Him, comment below or send a message . , Stay Connected __ ►► Peter A. Gawugah Website: http://www.petergawugah.org ►► Peter A. Gawugah Facebook: / agawugah ►► Peter A. Gawugah Instagram: / peter_gawugah ►► New Light Pentecostal Church Facebook: / nlpcinternational