12-25-2024 9:00am Christmas Day Worship - "Pure Joy!"
This is a more traditional-style of worship with Christmas hymns led from organ. Pastor Glen will be preaching the sermon, different from the Christmas Eve services. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Isaiah 52 speaks of those who bring good news, proclaim peace, bring good tidings, proclaim salvation, say “Your God reigns!” It’s all pure joy and celebration! Titus 3 lays out beautifully what a pure gift Jesus is and all that He has come to bring. And John 1 reminds us, in poetic form, how Jesus is The Word who came to live and make His dwelling among us. As always, if you can’t be here in-person, take advantage of our live stream option. We live stream our worship services directly from the home page of Immanuel’s website through YouTube. You can view our worship live streams here: https://immanuelloveland.org/ Below are the Scripture readings if you want to take a look at them. December 25, 2024 – Christmas Day Advent/Christmas Series: His Gospel is Peace: The Advent of Christ and The End of Fear Old Testament: Isaiah 52:7-10 Epistle: Titus 3:4-7 Gospel: John 1:1-14 Sermon Title: Pure Joy! Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE under license #A-724593-A and/or from CHRISTIAN COPYRIGHT LICENSING INTERNATIONAL (CCLI) under license #875069. All rights reserved.