Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Explained by Dr. Anish Agarwalla | Orthoderm
Struggling with hand numbness, tingling, or weakness? You could have carpal tunnel syndrome. In this video, Dr. Anish Agarwalla, an expert Orthopaedic Surgeon at Orthoderm Clinic, Guwahati, dives deep into carpal tunnel syndrome, covering: What is Carpal Tunnel Symptoms You Should Know Causes and Risk Factors Diagnosis: Getting the Right Answers By watching this video, you'll gain valuable insights into carpal tunnel syndrome. If you're experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms, please schedule an appointment with us for proper diagnosis and treatment. Phone/WhatsApp: 070020 33804 Appointment: https://orthoderm.setmore.com/ Website: https://orthoderm.in/ Email: [email protected] Follow us on social media for more informative content: On Facebook: / orthoderm1 On Instagram: / ortho_derm Our Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/aKdNCVhjehzSe... #dranishagarwalla #orthopedist #orthoderm #carpaltunnel #carpaltunnelsyndrome #carpaltunnelrelief #handpain #wristpain #numbness #tingling #orthopedics #health #wellness #CTS #handhealth #wristhealth #repetitivemotion #ergonomics #physicaltherapy #surgery #nerves