America's BIG Problem: Closing The Skills Gap | Epoch TV Interview with Jan Jekielek
Most of the content on my channel consists of me interviewing people I think you should know (Shameless Plug - stay tuned for a new show called… “People You Should Know” coming to my channel in a couple months). Today, however, I’m afraid the “person you should know” is yours truly. I’m sharing this interview with me, not because I’m completely and totally self-absorbed (at least, not entirely), but because, modesty aside, it’s a really important conversation with an excellent interlocutor who gave me the time and the opportunity to discuss the pressing need to close America’s skills gap and the way in which I believe that can be accomplished. As some of you may know, the mikeroweWORKS Foundation is in the process of awarding a few million dollars in work ethic scholarships. We’re doing what we can to train the next generation of skilled workers, and anyone who wants to help us in that endeavor should share this video. Incidentally, this interview has already been shared online by the journalist who conducted it—the always excellent Jan Jekielek—Sr. Editor for The Epoch Times. He, too, thought our conversation was both important and worthwhile, and he gave me permission to share it on my channel, knowing the audience would be larger and more engaged than if I shared it from his page. That’s a very unusual and very generous gesture from a journalist whose livelihood depends on a subscription model. Please prove him correct by sharing this conversation far and wide and checking out the many other important stories at Epoch TV: https://bit.ly/3FynJou Anyone who wants to learn a skilled trade, apply for financial assistance: https://mikeroweworks.org/scholarship/ Subscribe to my channel: / @therealmikerowe Subscribe to my new shorts channel for those of you with a short attention span: / @mikeroweshorts If you like me, and even if you don't, follow me. Much obliged. http://instagr.am/mikerowe/ http://fb.me/TheRealMikeRowe http://twttr.com/mikeroweworks