BEST Way to Clean Earwax From Your Ears | How to Use Qtips Correctly
BEST Way to Clean Earwax from Your Ears | How to Use Cotton Swabs and Qtips Correctly to safely clean earwax out of your ears. Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, discusses how to safely and effectively clean earwax from your ears using a Q-tip or other cotton swab. https://DrCliffAuD.com https://AppliedHearingAZ.com https://DrCliffAUD.com/videos 0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Dangers of Cotton Swabs 2:17 - Why Cotton Swabs should be used to clean your ears 4:21 - How to Properly use Cotton Swabs Find a great Audiologist: https://drcliffaud.com/providers For help in the Phoenix, AZ area: https://appliedhearingaz.com/