Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, February 26, 2023 (First Sunday of Lent)

Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, February 26, 2023 (First Sunday of Lent)

Thank you for worshipping with us this Lenten season! Order of worship: 0:00 - Welcome & Announcements 4:07 - Prelude 7:35 - Opening Prayer 8:38 - Opening Hymn - UMH 451 Be Thou My Vision 12:48 - Passing the Peace 13:14 - Children’s Moment 16:10 - Hymn of Praise - UMH 267 O Love, How Deep 18:29 - Scripture (Matthew 4, vs. 1-11) 20:56 - Message - Three Easy Ways to Grow Your Church: I. Introduction 39:58 - Anthem (Applause - The Talleys) 45:09 - Prayers of the People 50:24 - Community Prayer 53:56 - Offertory 56:25 - Doxology 57:50 - Closing Hymn - UMH 269 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days 59:39 - Benediction 1:00:17 - Postlude