TUESDAY SECOND WEEK of EASTER 18 APRIL 2023 MASS READINGS  ACTS APOSTLES 4 PSALM 91 GOSPEL of JOHN 3

TUESDAY SECOND WEEK of EASTER 18 APRIL 2023 MASS READINGS ACTS APOSTLES 4 PSALM 91 GOSPEL of JOHN 3

Janet Walmsley-Heron@janetwalmsley-heron@YouTube CATHOLIC MASS LITURGICAL READINGS TUESDAY of the SECOND WEEK of EASTER 18th APRIL, 2023 GENERAL THEMES JESUS is the PERFECT REVEALER of GOD ESPECIALLY in HIS DEATH and RESURRECTION FIRST READING A READING from the ACTS of the APOSTLES CHAPTER 4: 32-37 THEME: UNITED HEART and SOUL PSALM 91 RESPONSE: The LORD is KING with MAJESTY ENROBED or ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA. A READING from the HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING to JOHN 3 7-15 REFLECTION PRAYERS for the FAITHFUL O BLOOD and WATER O BLOOD and WATER WHICH GUSHED FORTH from the HEART of JESUS as a FOUNT of MERCY for us, I TRUST in YOU! The LITANY of the DIVINE MERCY!!! DIVINE MERCY GUSHING FORTH from the BOSOM of the FATHER, I TRUST in YOU (REPEATED after EACH LINE)