13 Types Of Students BACK To SCHOOL!
A new chapter begins as students return for the first day of school and new students enroll. What challenges will the they face this year? The students find out immediately. Follow us on Instagram: / thejianhaotan Debbie: / debbwie Denise: / denisesoongeelyn Nicole: / nicolekittykatx Ridhwan: / ridhwannabe Julynn: / julynnlau Vicky: / yklvv Silvy: / silvyheng Jasmine: / jasminelhr Juhi: / juhinars Vincent: / itsvincentsin Diana: / dianabakar_ Leon: / itsleonmarkcus Hakim: / runawaykim Mus: / itsjustmus Dezhong: / deprinceofzhong Kattariya: / kattariya._ Kevin: / kaleidoscovin Claudi: / clawes0me Rainer: / rxiner Luke: / lukeyychan8 Xiao Qian: / omgxiaoqian Ben: / bentanggg Teachers: Sherly: / lyzpopz Amander: / amandersings Yahya: / fallensuperhero Nadge: / 33rd.prince Danial Ron: / danialron Yana: / yanochka22 Pavithra Nair: / pavithranairsings Ferina: / furrynaa Darrel: / darrelkicksass Michael: / michaelchuaactor Join this channel to get access to perks: / @jianhao Follow me on Instagram: / thejianhaotan Get your merch now: http://www.teamtitanstore.com Titan Digital Media: http://www.titandigitalmedia.com