13 Types of Students Breaking Rules in School
Titan Academy has a lot of strict rules, which rules do you think the students will break? And what punishments will they receive? [#Titanacademy131] Follow us on Instagram: / thejianhaotan Debbie: / debbwie Vincent: / itsvincentsin Denise: / denisesoongeelyn Kevin: / kaleidoscovin Ridhwan: / ridhwannabe Diana: / dianabakar_ Leon: / itsleonmarkcus Hakim: / runawaykim Ashlynn: / berrybbunny_ono DeZhong: / deprinceofzhong Julian: / juliantaytm Aiman: / aimanomg Wan Qi: / onetwoqi Jannelle: / ja_nn_elle Asma: / asma_urrs Joelyn: / j.oelyn Lei: / chuileiie Jaslyn: / _jaslynlsm_ Olivia: / ivianathui Teachers: Michael: / michaelchuaactor Ferina: / furrynaa Danial Ron: / danialron Yahya: / fallensuperhero Get your merch now: http://www.teamtitanstore.com Titan Digital Media: http://www.titandigitalmedia.com