How to Start a Metabolism Reset: 5 Simple Steps! | Fat Loss After 40

How to Start a Metabolism Reset: 5 Simple Steps! | Fat Loss After 40

🚨 Is your metabolism stuck in survival mode? If you’ve been eating less, working out more, and still not seeing results, it might be time for a metabolism reset. In this video, I’ll walk you through 5 simple steps to heal your metabolism, rebuild lost muscle, and finally start seeing the progress you deserve. 💪 #metabolismreset #fitafter40 #eatmorelosemore #eatmoretoweighless Eat More 2 Weigh Less Calorie Calculator: For more info on Mastering Your Metabolism: ************************** ▶️ WATCH NEXT: ▶️ Slow Metabolism? 3 signs It's Time For a Reset    • Slow Metabolism? 3 Signs It’s Time fo...   Does Your Metabolism Slow With Age?    • Slow Metabolism  | Does Your Metaboli...   3 Ways To Lose Weight Without Destroying Your Metabolism    • 3 Ways To Lose Weight Without Destroy...   How much to eat for fat loss (the part everyone skips!)    • How much to eat for fat loss (the par...   ************************** 👩🏽‍💻 Interested in 1:1 Coaching, or our DONE-FOR-YOU FAT LOSS BLUEPRINT SERVICE? 🗺 If you are willing to get quarterly body composition scans (ie. DEXA), would like someone to walk you through your Metabolism Reset, Bulk, or Cut phase, and/or want a step-by-step Customized Fat Loss Blueprint (DIY) - we'd love to speak with you and discuss how we can help you achieve fantastic results. You can book a free 30-minute strategy session here: (We'll discuss whether we're a good fit for 1:1 and/or provide you with options, tips, or DIY strategies better suited to where you are in your journey at this time!) ************************** 👩🏽‍🏫 NEW HERE? Download the Free Quick Start Guide to learn the Basics of increasing your calories for weight loss: Watch my free masterclass on the "5 BIGGEST Mistakes Women over 40 are Making with Weight Loss" ************************** ❇️🙋🏽‍♀️ FIND ME ELSEWHERE: 💁🏽‍♀️❇️ Instagram:   / eatmore2wei.  . Facebook Page:   / em2wl   Facebook Group:   / 17541.  . Pinterest:   / em2wl   Podcast: The Diet Rebel Podcast with Kiki Smith (on Apple/Spotify/Audible/Google) Website: Chapters: 0:00 Signs you need a reset 0:43 Step 1 - Knowledge 2:28 Step 2 - Calories 3:30 Step 3 - Macros 4:18 Step 4 - Workouts 5:37 Step 5 - Recovery 7:38 Recap